Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Postcards From Japan

I've been lucky enough to start exchanging direct swaps with a super sweet woman from Japan named Tohko! This is what I'm really loving about Postcrossing. Not only am I getting to meet people from all over the world, but I'm getting to actually know people too! And getting to learn more about countries that I've always wanted to go to! Like Japan! I've had a long term obsession with Japan and me and Tohko have been exchanging emails now and I look forward to all of our emails :) The first card she sent me was a post of Mt. Fuji!

Oh this card just blew me away!! She wrote about seeing Mt. Fuji and how much it blows her away every time she sees it and I can only imagine how amazing that must be. And I LOVE the stamp!!! If that weren't enough, today I got ANOTHER card from her!!!! Wait until you see how awesome this little card is :D

It's Tokyo tower!! With a cute little stamp on the card and even more amazing stamps :D I'm so excited about all of this awesome Japanese goodness :D And even more excited that I've made an awesome new Japanese friend :) Now I just need to figure out how to get these stamps off...does anyone have any good tips on removing stamps?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Card From France

So this one TECHNICALLY isn't a postcard, but I'm about ready to call it the coolest thing I'll EVER receive from Postcrossing :D It comes from Dorine in Brittany and it's her first ever Postcrossing card :D I feel so lucky. In addition to that, this card is full of awesomeness. First of all, I loved the stamps right away. I have the same Miles Davis stamps in the US edition and they come with Edith Piaf stamps too which I thought was cool seeing as Miles Davis is from here in New Orleans and Edith Piam is from France :)

Then there's the card. We share the same music tastes down to some of the same favorite songs!! One of her favorite songs is The Middle East's "Blood" which is pretty obscure and is one of my favs too. She gave me some recommendations for some great French songs which I'll look up as well :) THEN she put the postcard ID inside of that neat little pink box in the corner AND included a little silver key for me because she saw my postcard box here on the blog with the keys on it!! Isn't that sweet?? AND the piece of pink paper underneath rolls out to give the link of a youtube video which she thinks I'll like that I haven't watched yet. Off to see that soon. SUCH an awesome card :D

Postcard From Tasmania

Woohoo! Tasmania! Never expected a card from there and I love this card too :D I'm glad people are actually reading my postcrossing profile and sending me the kinds of things I like. This one came with some neat trivia about Tasmania. Their hottest month is february and they have the cleanest air in the world!! And that stamp is super cool :)

Another From Germany!

I LOVE this card :) The sender took the picture herself. These are exactly the kind of cards I love. Stuff I would have never known before and it's not your typical touristy picture. This is a picture of German Black Forest Clocks that the sender took a picture of in a local souvenir shop :) Wonderful, eh?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Postcard From New Mexico!

This postcard might look like it photoed a little funny but that's because it's a 3D card!! Love it :) It came from the sweetest lady in New Mexico who reads a lot of non-fiction, plays piano and will be 93 soon!! I hope at 93 I'm still reading lots, playing piano (which I don't know how to do currently), and I certainly hope I'm still sending postcards around the world :) Wonderful card to come home to!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Postcard from Germany

This postcard comes from Alex who lives in a small town in Germany a wee bit away from Munich. I'm learning to really love Postcrossing! Anyone who knows me knows I love gardening, reading and music. Well this postcard has a beautiful view of a farm and Alex has a farm where he grows potatoes! How cool is that? He also said in his card that he loves to read and listen to music and loves photography :) Another really cool stamp included with this one too!

Postcard From Malaysia

I got this incredibly cool postcard from Malaysia today! It shows a picture of a bunch of skulls and there's a reason for that! The person who sent me the card is from a city in Malaysia called Sabah that was known for a tribe of headhunters and his great grandfather had a house full of skulls! How cool is that? Ok...maybe only I would think that's cool :p Loved the beautiful stamp on this one too :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

My First Card!

Yay :D I got my first card from Postcrossing finally and I absolutely love it :D It's just perfect. It came from Michelle in Pennsylvania, a fellow blogger. The postcard is just adorable and it made me think of Gray. I don't know if you read this blog, Debi, but if you do, you'll know it's because of the adorable pandas :p I love that she put the weather and the fact that it was snowing on there. I had a request from a girl in China that I put the weather on my card and didn't get why, but I see now that it's kind of neat to get that information :) Think I may do that with future cards! Can't wait to see what comes next in the mail!